"Entertaining Angels Aware..." is a story and celebration of the incredible, God-given, soul connection, bond, and unconditional love Evelyn and her sister Kimberly have shared since the very first day their eyes met.
It is also a lifelong testimony and reminder of the manifestation of one of her first answered prayers: to have a "little sister", and the grace to prevail by faith in the midst of life's storms. Also included are brief stories about other
"Special Sibling Relationships"
Contributing Authors:
David Boufford
Michele Demichelli
Evelyn DiMarco
Joanne Giardello
Evelyn Jackson
Vivian Lopo-Jones
Krystal Miga
Crystal Schaefer
Entertaining Angels Aware...will enlighten, inspire, validate, encourage and motivate those who may...
...find themselves currently in or facing the caregiver role of a developmentally disabled sibling; disabled sibling, and may be feeling overwhelmed, afraid, or even resentful;
...be parents who have concerns about a son or daughter's responsibility for their developmentally disabled sibling;
...feel awkward or uncomfortable socializing with, or offering help/support to a friend, family member, mate, or spouse's relationship with their developmentally disabled sibling or family member.
What Readers Have to Say:
"Entertaining Angels Aware..."
"... invites us to see beyond our judgments to the remembrance of our universal human truth: That Love is our birthright and the radiant flow of Divine creation from which we spring."
Jannirose JOY Fenimore, Author
"Loving Outside the Lines--Lessons from an Earth Angel"
"... is fascinating as it offers such a variety of perspectives on having a developmentally disabled sibling.
... and often quite moving. I'm grateful for the opportunity to work on this project; it's been a real eye opener."
Andy Gard, Editor
HEART Talk Publications
"...offers such an ingenious combination of humor, tears and much needed education about individuals with 'differ-abilities'
Evelyn's many heartwarming and entertaining stories make you feel as though you were right there alongside her and her "Angel" .
You'll want to read the whole book in one sitting to find out how everything turns out!
T'Eileen Liggins, MJ, MBA
Author, Ghostwriter, Publisher, The Literary Front
Dan Smith, Founder
Forever Told
"Evelyn writes as she lives-- with courage and a generosity of nurturing for her fellow human beings. "
Michael Pritchard
National Youth Advocate & PBS Host
"...says it all in the title's name.
Evelyn has been gifted with unique DNA to see and support the best in people. Read the book. Change your life."
T. Robert Hicks, Ed.M.
CEO, TheTroy of all Trades, LLC